Valencia. Die Konkurrenz hofft, dass das Zwischengas-Verbot den überlegenen Weltmeister Sebastian Vettel stoppt. Sein Team holt aber schon zum Gegenschlag aus. McLaren zeigt sich angriffslustig.

Die Konkurrenz frohlockt, doch Sebastian Vettel und Red Bull holen gelassen zum Gegenschlag aus. Während die im letzten halben Jahr so oft düpierten Ex-Weltmeister Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button und Fernando Alonso auf einen "Neustart der Saison" hoffen, geben sich der deutsche Formel-1-Weltmeister und sein Team vor dem Rennen in Valencia trotz Verschwörungstheorien trotzig und kämpferisch.

"Das Teil-Verbot des angeblasenen Diffusors interessiert mich nicht besonders", sagte Vettel der Sport Bild: "Ich denke, unser Auto ist in seinem Gesamtkonzept das beste von allen und nicht von einem Teil alleine abhängig."

Der Titelverteidiger verspricht sogar: "Wer glaubt, dass wir bei Red Bull den größten Nachteil haben, der wird sich noch wundern." Das sehen die meisten aber anders. Zwar nutzen neun der zwölf Teams das künftig verbotene System des automatischen Zwischengases, das von Red Bull war aber ganz offensichtlich das effektivste.

Dass in Valencia nun im Qualifying wie im Rennen dasselbe Motormapping verwendet werden muss, ändert nach Einschätzung von RTL-Experte Christian Danner zunächst "erstmal gar nichts". Doch wenn danach in Silverstone die Technik verboten sein wird, bei der die Motoren auch beim Gaswegnehmen mit einem automatischen Zwischengas Auspuffgase produzieren, könnte sich das durchaus auswirken.

Neue Techniken

Red-Bull-Motorsportchef Helmut Marko verspricht aber schon neue Techniken. "Wenn man es nicht kopieren kann, dann versucht man es wenigstens zu verhindern. Aber wir wären nicht Red Bull, wenn wir nicht auch schon Überlegungen hätten, wie wir das wieder abfedern könnten", sagte er bei ServusTV.

Als ungerecht empfindet Marko das Verbot während der Saison. "Auf der politischen Ebene muss man versuchen, dass die Einbremsmanöver, die massiv gegen uns laufen, nicht so massiv ausfallen, wie die Gegner sich das wünschen", erklärte er: "Wenn der Zeitgewinn zu groß wird, schreitet die FIA ein." Das sieht auch Danner so: "Das ist ein ziemlich gravierender Eingriff in eine stabil entwickelte Struktur."

Den größten Vorteil von der Änderung wird Ferrari haben, "ganz klar", sagt auch Marko. Ferrari-Teamchef Stefano Domenicali freut sich schon: "In der zweiten Weltmeisterschaft werden wir wirklich sehen, wie das Kräfteverhältnis aussieht." Vize-Weltmeister Alonso glaubt, dass der Titel "mathematisch noch möglich ist". Angesichts von 92 Punkten Rückstand aber wirklich nur noch mathematisch.

McLaren angriffslustig

Gefährlicher könnten Vettel da schon die McLaren-Piloten Button (60 Punkte Rückstand) und Hamilton (76) werden, die ihn in dieser Saison als einzige je einmal geschlagen geben. "Jensons fantastischer Sieg in Kanada ist ein großer Ansporn für das gesamte Team", sagte Teamchef Martin Whitmarsh. Button tönte: "In Valencia und den folgenden Rennen wollen wir gewinnen." Marko glaubt aber nicht, dass McLaren sehr von der neuen Regelung profitieren wird, denn schließlich sei das System bei McLaren zuletzt schon ähnlich ausgereift gewesen: "Die haben es von uns ja sehr gut kopiert."

Vettel meint sogar, es könne "gut sein, dass besonders die von Mercedes-Motoren angetriebenen Teams größere Probleme bekommen." Und damit eben nicht nur Michael Schumacher und Nico Rosberg im Silberpfeil, sondern auch die McLaren.

Doch egal, wie sehr sich die Änderungen auswirken werden. Es könnte aus Sicht von Red Bull nicht schaden, wenn Vettel durch den sechsten Sieg im achten Rennen seinen Vorsprung ausbauen würde - bevor die WM in den Augen mancher Konkurrenten neu beginnt. (sid)

Vettelmania in der Formel 1

Bildnummer: 07664772 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER), Red Bull Racing, Einzelbild, angeschnittenes Einzelmotiv, Halbfigur, halbe Figur, Jubel, Freude, Begeisterung, Gestik, winner, Sieger, Brustbild. Rennen, Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur, Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Aufmacher premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07664772 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Single Single subject Halbe Figure cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture WINNER Winner Breast image Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Highlight premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945
Bildnummer: 07664772 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER), Red Bull Racing, Einzelbild, angeschnittenes Einzelmotiv, Halbfigur, halbe Figur, Jubel, Freude, Begeisterung, Gestik, winner, Sieger, Brustbild. Rennen, Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur, Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Aufmacher premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07664772 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Single Single subject Halbe Figure cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture WINNER Winner Breast image Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Highlight premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07819452 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 07.05.2011- Qualifying, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; xo0x Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Einzelbild Freisteller Vdig xsl xmk 2011 quer Image number 07819452 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 07 05 2011 Qualifying Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK xo0x motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Single cut out Vdig xsl xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07819452 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 07.05.2011- Qualifying, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; xo0x Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Einzelbild Freisteller Vdig xsl xmk 2011 quer Image number 07819452 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 07 05 2011 Qualifying Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK xo0x motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Single cut out Vdig xsl xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07819523 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 07.05.2011- Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; xo0x Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Porträt Vdig xsl xmk 2011 hoch Image number 07819523 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 07 05 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK xo0x motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Portrait Vdig xsl xmk 2011 vertical ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07819523 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 07.05.2011- Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; xo0x Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Porträt Vdig xsl xmk 2011 hoch Image number 07819523 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 07 05 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK xo0x motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Portrait Vdig xsl xmk 2011 vertical ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07819331 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 08.05.2011- Race, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 race winner Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Sieg Einzelbild Vdig xsl xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher Image number 07819331 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 08 05 2011 Race Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Race WINNER Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Victory Single Vdig xsl xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07819331 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 08.05.2011- Race, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 race winner Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Sieg Einzelbild Vdig xsl xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher Image number 07819331 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 08 05 2011 Race Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Race WINNER Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Victory Single Vdig xsl xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07818657 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul xo0x vdig xkg 2011 hoch Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Portrait - headshot Personen - Kopfbild Kopf Gesicht portraits head face Randszene - side issue Randmotiv partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07818657 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 vertical motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Portrait headshot Human Beings Head Face portraits Head Face Edge scene Side Issue Rand motive partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsc
Bildnummer: 07818657 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul xo0x vdig xkg 2011 hoch Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Portrait - headshot Personen - Kopfbild Kopf Gesicht portraits head face Randszene - side issue Randmotiv partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07818657 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 vertical motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Portrait headshot Human Beings Head Face portraits Head Face Edge scene Side Issue Rand motive partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsc © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07818662 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul xo0x vdig xkg 2011 hoch Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Randszene - side issue Randmotiv Portrait - headshot Personen - Kopfbild Kopf Gesicht portraits head face partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07818662 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 vertical motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Edge scene Side Issue Rand motive Portrait headshot Human Beings Head Face portraits Head Face partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsc
Bildnummer: 07818662 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul xo0x vdig xkg 2011 hoch Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Randszene - side issue Randmotiv Portrait - headshot Personen - Kopfbild Kopf Gesicht portraits head face partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07818662 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 vertical motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Edge scene Side Issue Rand motive Portrait headshot Human Beings Head Face portraits Head Face partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsc © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07817058 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Kräling Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull Racing) GP Türkei 2011 Formel 1 Grand Prix Türkei 2011 ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Siegerehrung Einzelbild Jubel Freude Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 quer Image number 07817058 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Kräling Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing GP Turkey 2011 Formula 1 Grand Prix Turkey 2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Award Ceremony Single cheering happiness Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07817058 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Kräling Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull Racing) GP Türkei 2011 Formel 1 Grand Prix Türkei 2011 ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Siegerehrung Einzelbild Jubel Freude Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 quer Image number 07817058 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Kräling Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing GP Turkey 2011 Formula 1 Grand Prix Turkey 2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Award Ceremony Single cheering happiness Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07817054 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Kräling Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull Racing) GP Türkei 2011 Formel 1 Grand Prix Türkei 2011 ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 quer Image number 07817054 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Kräling Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing GP Turkey 2011 Formula 1 Grand Prix Turkey 2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07817054 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Kräling Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull Racing) GP Türkei 2011 Formel 1 Grand Prix Türkei 2011 ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 quer Image number 07817054 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Kräling Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing GP Turkey 2011 Formula 1 Grand Prix Turkey 2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Vdig xsl xo0x xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07816598 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Ziehldurchfahrt, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07816598 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07816598 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Ziehldurchfahrt, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07816598 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815779 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815779 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815779 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815779 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815776 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815776 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815776 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815776 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815768 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 hoch Aufmacher Image number 07815768 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Highlight ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815768 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 hoch Aufmacher Image number 07815768 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Highlight ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815767 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 hoch Aufmacher Image number 07815767 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Highlight ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815767 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - AMBIANCE PORTRAIT GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk 2011 hoch Aufmacher Image number 07815767 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 ambiance Portrait GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Highlight ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815760 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - ACTION GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815760 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 Action GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815760 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - ACTION GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815760 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 Action GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815742 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - ACTION JENSON BUTTON (GBR) - MCLAREN MERCEDES MP4-26 - ACTION GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815742 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 Action Jenson Button GBR McLaren Mercedes MP4 26 Action GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815742 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formule 1 : Grand Prix de Turquie -Course - 08.05.2011 Photo : Gilles Levent / PanoramiC SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - ACTION JENSON BUTTON (GBR) - MCLAREN MERCEDES MP4-26 - ACTION GillesLevent/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07815742 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formule 1 Grand Prix de Turquie Course 08 05 2011 Photo Gilles Levent Panoramic Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 Action Jenson Button GBR McLaren Mercedes MP4 26 Action GillesLevent Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815622 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen Image number 07815622 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07
Bildnummer: 07815622 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen Image number 07815622 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815621 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07815621 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818
Bildnummer: 07815621 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07815621 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815620 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), 02 Mark Webber (AUS, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen Image number 07815620 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing 02 Mark Webber out Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago0781866
Bildnummer: 07815620 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), 02 Mark Webber (AUS, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen Image number 07815620 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing 02 Mark Webber out Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago0781866 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815618 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07815618 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 vertical Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago0781866
Bildnummer: 07815618 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul premiumd vdig xmk xo0x 2011 hoch Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv Sieger - champion Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - celebrates Gewinner gewonnen partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07815618 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul premiumd Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 vertical Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive Winner Champion Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings Celebrates Winner won partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago0781866 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815407 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieger, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815407 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Winner motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815407 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieger, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815407 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Winner motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815406 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieg, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815406 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Victory motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815406 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieg, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815406 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Victory motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815405 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieger, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815405 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Winner motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815405 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieger, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815405 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Winner motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815404 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieger, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815404 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Winner motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815404 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Sieger, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815404 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Winner motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815401 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Jenson Button, McLaren Mercedes, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 quer formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815401 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Jenson Button McLaren Mercedes motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815401 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Jenson Button, McLaren Mercedes, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 quer formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815401 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Jenson Button McLaren Mercedes motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07815387 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815387 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07815387 Datum: 08.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 08.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xmk 2011 hoch formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07815387 date 08 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 08 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07811779 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xdp 2011 quer Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Garage - box Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell o0 Mechaniker Techniker Crew Jubel Freude Pole Position Image number 07811779 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig 2011 horizontal motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Garage Box cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell o0 Mechanic Technicians Crew cheering happiness Pole Position ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See a
Bildnummer: 07811779 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xdp 2011 quer Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey tuerkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Garage - box Jubel - celebration Stimmung - mood Freude - joy jubelnd jubelt positiv partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell o0 Mechaniker Techniker Crew Jubel Freude Pole Position Image number 07811779 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig 2011 horizontal motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Garage Box cheering Celebration Mood mood happiness Joy jubilant cheering positive partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell o0 Mechanic Technicians Crew cheering happiness Pole Position ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See a © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07806702 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; vdig xo0x xsk 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey türkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Fahrszene - race action Rennen - race Aktion - action Rennszene fahrend Fahrbild fährt Aktionsfoto Aktionsbild partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell Image number 07806702 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx Vdig xo0x xsk 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Driving scenes Race Action Race Race Action shot Action Racing scene driving Fahrbilder runs Action photo Action Figure partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsch
Bildnummer: 07806702 Datum: 07.05.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Turkey, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; vdig xo0x xsk 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Tuerkei - Turkey türkischer Turkish GP Circuit Name - Istanbul Park GP04 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Fahrszene - race action Rennen - race Aktion - action Rennszene fahrend Fahrbild fährt Aktionsfoto Aktionsbild partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell Image number 07806702 date 07 05 2011 Copyright imago Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Turkey 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx Vdig xo0x xsk 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 TURKEY Turkey Turkish Turkish GP Circuit Name Istanbul Park GP04 World Cup World Championship Driving scenes Race Action Race Race Action shot Action Racing scene driving Fahrbilder runs Action photo Action Figure partner02 PSP02D90 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell SonntagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsch © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07804419 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 06.05.2011- Friday Practice 1, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 after crash Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xsk 2011 quer premiumd Image number 07804419 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 06 05 2011 Friday Practice 1 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 After Crash Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal premiumd ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07804419 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 06.05.2011- Friday Practice 1, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 after crash Turkish Grand Prix, Istanbul, Round 4, 05-08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xsk 2011 quer premiumd Image number 07804419 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 06 05 2011 Friday Practice 1 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 After Crash Turkish Grand Prix Istanbul Round 4 05 08 May 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal premiumd ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07804257 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC La Red Bull Racing RB7 de Sebastian Vettel (GER) Red Bull Racing retour aux stands apres un accident Sutton/PanoramiC PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xsk 2011 quer Image number 07804257 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic La Red Bull Racing RB7 de Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Retour aux Matter Apres UN accident Sutton Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07804257 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC La Red Bull Racing RB7 de Sebastian Vettel (GER) Red Bull Racing retour aux stands apres un accident Sutton/PanoramiC PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul vdig xsk 2011 quer Image number 07804257 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic La Red Bull Racing RB7 de Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Retour aux Matter Apres UN accident Sutton Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07802748 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 06.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Crash Car,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Crash Unfall defekt vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objekte Rennwagen Image number 07802748 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 06 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Crash Car motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Crash Accident Defect Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objects racing car ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07802748 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 06.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Crash Car,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Crash Unfall defekt vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objekte Rennwagen Image number 07802748 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 06 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Crash Car motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Crash Accident Defect Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objects racing car ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07802747 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 06.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Crash Car,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Crash Unfall defekt vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objekte Rennwagen Abschleppfahrzeug abschleppen Streckenfahrzeug Image number 07802747 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 06 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Crash Car motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Crash Accident Defect Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objects racing car Abschleppfahrzeug Towing - Haul vehicle ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07802747 Datum: 06.05.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, Turkey in Istanbul 06.05.11, Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing, Crash Car,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Türkei Istanbul Aktion Crash Unfall defekt vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objekte Rennwagen Abschleppfahrzeug abschleppen Streckenfahrzeug Image number 07802747 date 06 05 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP Turkey in Istanbul 06 05 11 Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing Crash Car motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Turkey Istanbul Action shot Crash Accident Defect Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Objects racing car Abschleppfahrzeug Towing - Haul vehicle ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07802373 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 17.04.2011- Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Einzelbild vdig xcb 2011 quer Image number 07802373 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 17 04 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Single Vdig 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07802373 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 17.04.2011- Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Einzelbild vdig xcb 2011 quer Image number 07802373 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 17 04 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Single Vdig 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07707344 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of China, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; xo0x vdig xub 2011 quer Aufmacher Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 China - China chinesischer Chinese GP Circuit Name - Shanghai International Circuit GP03 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Fahrszene - race action Rennen - race Aktion - action Rennszene Fahraufnahme fährt partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07707344 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of China 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx xo0x Vdig xub 2011 horizontal Highlight motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 China China Chinese Chinese GP Circuit Name Shanghai International Circuit GP03 World Cup World Championship Driving scenes Race Action Race Race Action shot Action Racing scene Driving shots runs partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichs
Bildnummer: 07707344 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of China, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; xo0x vdig xub 2011 quer Aufmacher Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 China - China chinesischer Chinese GP Circuit Name - Shanghai International Circuit GP03 Weltmeisterschaft - world championship Fahrszene - race action Rennen - race Aktion - action Rennszene Fahraufnahme fährt partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell Image number 07707344 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of China 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx xo0x Vdig xub 2011 horizontal Highlight motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 China China Chinese Chinese GP Circuit Name Shanghai International Circuit GP03 World Cup World Championship Driving scenes Race Action Race Race Action shot Action Racing scene Driving shots runs partner02 AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichs © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07706712 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, China in Shanghai, 17.04.11, Sieger Lewis Hamilton, McLaren Mercedes (Mitte), Sebastian Vettel (L), und Mark Webber, Red Bull Racing,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Sieg Siegerehrung vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07706712 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP China in Shanghai 17 04 11 Winner Lewis Hamilton McLaren Mercedes centre Sebastian Vettel l and Mark Webber Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Victory Award Ceremony Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07706712 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer formula 1 GP, China in Shanghai, 17.04.11, Sieger Lewis Hamilton, McLaren Mercedes (Mitte), Sebastian Vettel (L), und Mark Webber, Red Bull Racing,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Sieg Siegerehrung vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd formula 1 F1 Racing Image number 07706712 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer Formula 1 GP China in Shanghai 17 04 11 Winner Lewis Hamilton McLaren Mercedes centre Sebastian Vettel l and Mark Webber Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Victory Award Ceremony Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd Formula 1 F1 Racing ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07704967 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 17.04.2011- Race, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai xo0x vdig xub 2011 quer Image number 07704967 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 17 04 2011 Race Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai xo0x Vdig xub 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07704967 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 17.04.2011- Race, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai xo0x vdig xub 2011 quer Image number 07704967 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 17 04 2011 Race Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai xo0x Vdig xub 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07704964 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 17.04.2011- Race, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 2nd position / Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd o0 Jubel, Freude Mechaniker, Techniker, Crew Image number 07704964 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 17 04 2011 Race Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 2nd Position Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd o0 cheering happiness Mechanic Technicians Crew ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07704964 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 17.04.2011- Race, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 2nd position / Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai vdig xub 2011 quer premiumd o0 Jubel, Freude Mechaniker, Techniker, Crew Image number 07704964 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 17 04 2011 Race Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 2nd Position Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Vdig xub 2011 horizontal premiumd o0 cheering happiness Mechanic Technicians Crew ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07704119 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1: Grand Prix von China, 17.04.2011; SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 jubelt mit seinen Mechanikern - xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Totale Vogelperspektive vdig xub 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd o0 Jubel Freude Mechaniker, Techniker, Crew Image number 07704119 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 Grand Prix from China 17 04 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 cheering with his Mechanics xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai long shot birds eye view Vdig xub 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd o0 cheering happiness Mechanic Technicians Crew ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07704119 Datum: 17.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1: Grand Prix von China, 17.04.2011; SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 jubelt mit seinen Mechanikern - xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Totale Vogelperspektive vdig xub 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd o0 Jubel Freude Mechaniker, Techniker, Crew Image number 07704119 date 17 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 Grand Prix from China 17 04 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 cheering with his Mechanics xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai long shot birds eye view Vdig xub 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd o0 cheering happiness Mechanic Technicians Crew ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07696292 Datum: 16.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer 16.04.2011, Shanghai - GP of China 2011 - Qualifying - Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Aktion Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quer formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Mitzieher Dynamik Image number 07696292 date 16 04 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer 16 04 2011 Shanghai GP of China 2011 Qualifying Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Action shot Single Vdig 2011 horizontal Formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Mitzieher Dynamics ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07696292 Datum: 16.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Thomas Melzer 16.04.2011, Shanghai - GP of China 2011 - Qualifying - Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Aktion Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quer formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Mitzieher Dynamik Image number 07696292 date 16 04 2011 Copyright imago Thomas Melzer 16 04 2011 Shanghai GP of China 2011 Qualifying Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Action shot Single Vdig 2011 horizontal Formula 1 F1 Racing o0 Mitzieher Dynamics ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07694646 Datum: 16.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1 : Großer Preis von China: SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL - xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Porträt vdig xng 2011 quer Image number 07694646 date 16 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 grand Prize from China Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Portrait Vdig 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07694646 Datum: 16.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1 : Großer Preis von China: SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL - xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Porträt vdig xng 2011 quer Image number 07694646 date 16 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 grand Prize from China Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Portrait Vdig 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07693680 Datum: 15.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of China, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Aktion xo0x vdig xkg 2011 quer Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 China - China chinesischer Chinese GP Circuit Name - Shanghai International Circuit GP03 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Box - Garage Garagen partner02 PSP02D30 Image number 07693680 date 15 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of China 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Action shot xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 horizontal motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 China China Chinese Chinese GP Circuit Name Shanghai International Circuit GP03 World Cup World Championship Box Garage Garages partner02 PSP02D30 ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Ess
Bildnummer: 07693680 Datum: 15.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of China, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Aktion xo0x vdig xkg 2011 quer Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 China - China chinesischer Chinese GP Circuit Name - Shanghai International Circuit GP03 Weltmeisterschaft - World Championship Box - Garage Garagen partner02 PSP02D30 Image number 07693680 date 15 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of China 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Action shot xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 horizontal motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 China China Chinese Chinese GP Circuit Name Shanghai International Circuit GP03 World Cup World Championship Box Garage Garages partner02 PSP02D30 ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Ess © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07693381 Datum: 15.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 15.04.2011- Friday Practice 2, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Einzelbild Aktion xo0x vdig xkg 2011 quer Image number 07693381 date 15 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 15 04 2011 Friday Practice 2 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Single Action shot xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07693381 Datum: 15.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 15.04.2011- Friday Practice 2, Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing, RB7 Chinese Grand Prix, Shanghai, Round 3, 14-17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Einzelbild Aktion xo0x vdig xkg 2011 quer Image number 07693381 date 15 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 15 04 2011 Friday Practice 2 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing RB7 Chinese Grand Prix Shanghai Round 3 14 17 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Single Action shot xo0x Vdig xkg 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07692083 Datum: 14.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Imaginechina German F1 driver Sebastian Vettel of the Red Bull Racing team waves to fans at the Shanghai International Circuit in Shanghai, China, 14 April 2011. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY 20110414_48656; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Porträt vdig xcb 2011 quer o0 Jubel, Freude Image number 07692083 date 14 04 2011 Copyright imago Imaginechina German F1 Driver Sebastian Vettel of The Red Bull Racing team Waves to supporters AT The Shanghai International Circuit in Shanghai China 14 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY 20110414_48656 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Portrait Vdig 2011 horizontal o0 cheering happiness ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07692083 Datum: 14.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Imaginechina German F1 driver Sebastian Vettel of the Red Bull Racing team waves to fans at the Shanghai International Circuit in Shanghai, China, 14 April 2011. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY 20110414_48656; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Porträt vdig xcb 2011 quer o0 Jubel, Freude Image number 07692083 date 14 04 2011 Copyright imago Imaginechina German F1 Driver Sebastian Vettel of The Red Bull Racing team Waves to supporters AT The Shanghai International Circuit in Shanghai China 14 April 2011 PUBLICATIONxINxGERxONLY 20110414_48656 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Portrait Vdig 2011 horizontal o0 cheering happiness ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07691894 Datum: 15.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1: Grand Prix von China in Shanghai -15.04.2011 - SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - xGillesLeventx - PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Aktion Einzelbild vdig xcb 2011 quer o0 Tribüne Haupttribüne Rennstrecke Strecke Shanghai International Circuit UBS Sponsor, Werbepartner, Werbung, Wirtschaft Totale Objekte Image number 07691894 date 15 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 Grand Prix from China in Shanghai 15 04 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Action shot Single Vdig 2011 horizontal o0 Grandstand Main grandstand Racetrack Route Shanghai International Circuit UBS Sponsor sponsor Advertising Economy long shot Objects ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 4
Bildnummer: 07691894 Datum: 15.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1: Grand Prix von China in Shanghai -15.04.2011 - SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - xGillesLeventx - PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP China Shanghai Aktion Einzelbild vdig xcb 2011 quer o0 Tribüne Haupttribüne Rennstrecke Strecke Shanghai International Circuit UBS Sponsor, Werbepartner, Werbung, Wirtschaft Totale Objekte Image number 07691894 date 15 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 Grand Prix from China in Shanghai 15 04 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP China Shanghai Action shot Single Vdig 2011 horizontal o0 Grandstand Main grandstand Racetrack Route Shanghai International Circuit UBS Sponsor sponsor Advertising Economy long shot Objects ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 4 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07675521 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER),Red Bull Racing,Jubel,Freude,Begeisterung,Gestik,winner,Sieger,Brustbild,Siegerehrung. Rennen,Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur,Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Porträt vdig xsk 2011 quer Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07675521 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture WINNER Winner Breast image Award Ceremony Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Portrait Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-
Bildnummer: 07675521 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER),Red Bull Racing,Jubel,Freude,Begeisterung,Gestik,winner,Sieger,Brustbild,Siegerehrung. Rennen,Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur,Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Porträt vdig xsk 2011 quer Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07675521 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture WINNER Winner Breast image Award Ceremony Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Portrait Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45- © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07668958 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Malaysia, WINNER 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Siegerehrung Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quadrat Gewinner Sieger - champion positiv jubelt jubelnd Freude - joy Stimmung - mood Jubel - celebration MagAktuell SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Kuala Lumpur Weltmeisterschaft - world championship GP02 Circuit Name - Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP malaysischer Malaysia - Malaysia Partner01 F1 - F 1 Formel 1 - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel Eins - formula one Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Motorsport - motor gewonnen celebrates Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - o0 Sieg Jubel Freude Pokal Trophäe Objekte Image number 07668958 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Malaysia WINNER 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Award Ceremony Single Vdig 2011 Square Winner Winner Champion positive cheering jubilant happiness Joy Mood mood cheering Celebration magAktuell SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Kuala Lumpur World Cup World Championship GP02 Circuit Name Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP Malaysian Malaysia Malaysia F1 F 1 Formula 1 Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula one Formula One Grand Prix grand Prize motor aviation Engine won Celebrates Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings o0 Victory cheering happiness Cup Trophy Objects ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file:
Bildnummer: 07668958 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Malaysia, WINNER 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Siegerehrung Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quadrat Gewinner Sieger - champion positiv jubelt jubelnd Freude - joy Stimmung - mood Jubel - celebration MagAktuell SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Kuala Lumpur Weltmeisterschaft - world championship GP02 Circuit Name - Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP malaysischer Malaysia - Malaysia Partner01 F1 - F 1 Formel 1 - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel Eins - formula one Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Motorsport - motor gewonnen celebrates Siegerehrung - podium medal ceremony Ehrung - honour Personen - o0 Sieg Jubel Freude Pokal Trophäe Objekte Image number 07668958 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Malaysia WINNER 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Award Ceremony Single Vdig 2011 Square Winner Winner Champion positive cheering jubilant happiness Joy Mood mood cheering Celebration magAktuell SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Kuala Lumpur World Cup World Championship GP02 Circuit Name Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP Malaysian Malaysia Malaysia F1 F 1 Formula 1 Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula one Formula One Grand Prix grand Prize motor aviation Engine won Celebrates Award Ceremony Podium Medal Ceremony Ceremony Honour Human Beings o0 Victory cheering happiness Cup Trophy Objects ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07668943 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Malaysia, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quer SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 positiv jubelt jubelnd Freude - joy Stimmung - mood Jubel - celebration Kuala Lumpur Weltmeisterschaft - world championship GP02 Circuit Name - Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP malaysischer Malaysia - Malaysia Partner01 F1 - F 1 Formel 1 - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel Eins - formula one Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Motorsport - motor Image number 07668943 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Malaysia 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Single Vdig 2011 horizontal SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 positive cheering jubilant happiness Joy Mood mood cheering Celebration Kuala Lumpur World Cup World Championship GP02 Circuit Name Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP Malaysian Malaysia Malaysia F1 F 1 Formula 1 Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula one Formula One Grand Prix grand Prize motor aviation Engine ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Bildnummer: 07668943 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Malaysia, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quer SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 positiv jubelt jubelnd Freude - joy Stimmung - mood Jubel - celebration Kuala Lumpur Weltmeisterschaft - world championship GP02 Circuit Name - Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP malaysischer Malaysia - Malaysia Partner01 F1 - F 1 Formel 1 - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel Eins - formula one Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Motorsport - motor Image number 07668943 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Malaysia 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Single Vdig 2011 horizontal SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 positive cheering jubilant happiness Joy Mood mood cheering Celebration Kuala Lumpur World Cup World Championship GP02 Circuit Name Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP Malaysian Malaysia Malaysia F1 F 1 Formula 1 Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula one Formula One Grand Prix grand Prize motor aviation Engine ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07668361 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Grand Prix Malaysia - SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - ACTION --- xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Aktion Boxenstopp vdig xsk 2011 quer o0 Vogelperspektive, oben Boxenstop, pit stop, Stopp, Mechaniker, Techniker, Boxencrew Image number 07668361 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Grand Prix Malaysia Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 Action xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Action shot Pit stop Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal o0 birds eye view above Pit stop Pit Stop Stop Mechanic Technicians Pit crew ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07668361 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Grand Prix Malaysia - SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - ACTION --- xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Aktion Boxenstopp vdig xsk 2011 quer o0 Vogelperspektive, oben Boxenstop, pit stop, Stopp, Mechaniker, Techniker, Boxencrew Image number 07668361 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Grand Prix Malaysia Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 Action xGillesLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Action shot Pit stop Vdig xsk 2011 horizontal o0 birds eye view above Pit stop Pit Stop Stop Mechanic Technicians Pit crew ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07667000 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 10.04.2011- Race, grid girl of Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing Malaysian Grand Prix, Sepang, Round 2, 07-10 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quer o0 gridgirl Image number 07667000 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 10 04 2011 Race Grid Girl of Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Malaysian Grand Prix Sepang Round 2 07 10 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Single Vdig 2011 horizontal o0 Grid Girl ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07667000 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Crash Media Group 10.04.2011- Race, grid girl of Sebastian Vettel (GER), Red Bull Racing Malaysian Grand Prix, Sepang, Round 2, 07-10 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Einzelbild vdig xsp 2011 quer o0 gridgirl Image number 07667000 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Crash Media Group 10 04 2011 Race Grid Girl of Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Malaysian Grand Prix Sepang Round 2 07 10 Aprile 2011 PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxUK motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Single Vdig 2011 horizontal o0 Grid Girl ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07665096 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER), Red Bull Racing, Aktion, fährt vor der Flagge Malaysias, malaysische Flagge. Rennen, Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur, Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Aufmacher Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport o0 Objekte Fahne Nationalfahne Image number 07665096 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Action shot runs before the Flag Malaysia Malaysian Flag Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Highlight Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship o0 Objects Flag National flag ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus z
Bildnummer: 07665096 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER), Red Bull Racing, Aktion, fährt vor der Flagge Malaysias, malaysische Flagge. Rennen, Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur, Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Aufmacher Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport o0 Objekte Fahne Nationalfahne Image number 07665096 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Action shot runs before the Flag Malaysia Malaysian Flag Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Highlight Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship o0 Objects Flag National flag ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus z © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07665073 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER),Red Bull Racing ,Halbfigur,halbe Figur. Jubel,Freude,Begeisterung,Gestik,Siegerehrung. Rennen,Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur,Saison2011, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07665073 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Halbe Figure cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture Award Ceremony Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion
Bildnummer: 07665073 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER),Red Bull Racing ,Halbfigur,halbe Figur. Jubel,Freude,Begeisterung,Gestik,Siegerehrung. Rennen,Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur,Saison2011, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07665073 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Halbe Figure cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture Award Ceremony Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07665037 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Malaysia, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Aktion - action Rennen - race Fahrszene - race action faehrt Fahraufnahme Rennszene Kuala Lumpur Weltmeisterschaft - world championship GP02 Circuit Name - Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP malaysischer Malaysia - Malaysia Partner01 F1 - F 1 Formel 1 - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel Eins - formula one Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Motorsport - motor Image number 07665037 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Malaysia 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Action shot Action Race Race Driving scenes Race Action Driving shots Racing scene Kuala Lumpur World Cup World Championship GP02 Circuit Name Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP Malaysian Malaysia Malaysia F1 F 1 Formula 1 Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula one Formula One Grand Prix grand Prize motor aviation Engine ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit fr
Bildnummer: 07665037 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Malaysia, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Aktion - action Rennen - race Fahrszene - race action faehrt Fahraufnahme Rennszene Kuala Lumpur Weltmeisterschaft - world championship GP02 Circuit Name - Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP malaysischer Malaysia - Malaysia Partner01 F1 - F 1 Formel 1 - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel Eins - formula one Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Motorsport - motor Image number 07665037 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Malaysia 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal SportmagAktuell AlleAktuell partner02 Action shot Action Race Race Driving scenes Race Action Driving shots Racing scene Kuala Lumpur World Cup World Championship GP02 Circuit Name Sepang International Circuit Malaysian GP Malaysian Malaysia Malaysia F1 F 1 Formula 1 Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula one Formula One Grand Prix grand Prize motor aviation Engine ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit fr © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07664777 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER), Red Bull Racing, Einzelbild, angeschnittenes Einzelmotiv, Halbfigur, halbe Figur, küsst den Siegerpokal. Jubel, Freude, Begeisterung, Gestik, winner, Sieger, Brustbild, Siegerehrung. Rennen, Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur, Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Aufmacher premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport o0 Siegerehrung Objekte Pokal Trophäe Image number 07664777 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Single Single subject Halbe Figure kiss the Winners Cup cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture WINNER Winner Breast image Award Ceremony Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Highlight premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship o0 Award Ceremony Objects Cup Trophy ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergeric
Bildnummer: 07664777 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER), Red Bull Racing, Einzelbild, angeschnittenes Einzelmotiv, Halbfigur, halbe Figur, küsst den Siegerpokal. Jubel, Freude, Begeisterung, Gestik, winner, Sieger, Brustbild, Siegerehrung. Rennen, Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur, Saison2011,; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Aufmacher premiumd vdig xmk 2011 quer Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport o0 Siegerehrung Objekte Pokal Trophäe Image number 07664777 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Single Single subject Halbe Figure kiss the Winners Cup cheering happiness Enthusiasm Gesture WINNER Winner Breast image Award Ceremony Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Highlight premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship o0 Award Ceremony Objects Cup Trophy ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergeric © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07596114 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Australia, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne Einzelbild Aktion vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Australien - Australia australischer Australian GP Circuit Name - Albert Park GP01 Fahrszene - race action Rennen - race Aktion - action Rennszene fahrend Fahrbild faehrt Aktionsfoto Aktionsbild AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell partner02 Image number 07596114 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Australia 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Single Action shot Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 Australia Australia Australian Australian GP Circuit Name Albert Park GP01 Driving scenes Race Action Race Race Action shot Action Racing scene driving Fahrbilder Action photo Action Figure AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell partner02 ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____
Bildnummer: 07596114 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/HochZwei Motorsports: FIA Formula One World Championship 2011, Grand Prix of Australia, 01 Sebastian Vettel (GER, Red Bull Racing), xHOCHxZWEIx ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne Einzelbild Aktion vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Motorsport - motor Grand Prix - Grosser Preis Formel Eins - formula one Formel 1 - formula 1 Formel 1 - formula one F1 - F 1 Partner01 Australien - Australia australischer Australian GP Circuit Name - Albert Park GP01 Fahrszene - race action Rennen - race Aktion - action Rennszene fahrend Fahrbild faehrt Aktionsfoto Aktionsbild AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell partner02 Image number 07596114 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago HochZwei Motorsports FIA Formula One World Championship 2011 Grand Prix of Australia 01 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing xHOCHxZWEIx motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Single Action shot Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal motor aviation Engine Grand Prix grand Prize Formula one Formula One Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula 1 Formula One F1 F 1 Australia Australia Australian Australian GP Circuit Name Albert Park GP01 Driving scenes Race Action Race Race Action shot Action Racing scene driving Fahrbilder Action photo Action Figure AlleAktuell SportmagAktuell partner02 ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____ © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07595060 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1: Grand Prix von Australien, 27.03.2011; SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07595060 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 Grand Prix from Australia 27 03 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07595060 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/PanoramiC Formel 1: Grand Prix von Australien, 27.03.2011; SEBASTIAN VETTEL (GER) - RED BULL RENAULT RB7 - xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne vdig xmk 2011 quer Image number 07595060 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Panoramic Formula 1 Grand Prix from Australia 27 03 2011 Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Renault RB7 xGillesxLeventx PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07594856 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER / Red Bull Racing) - Sieger des GP von Australien 2011 / Formel 1: GP von Australien, Melbourne.; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne vdig xmk 2011 hoch Aufmacher premiumd o0 Siegerehrung Sieg, Sieger Jubel, Freude Image number 07594856 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Winner the GP from Australia 2011 Formula 1 GP from Australia Melbourne motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Highlight premiumd o0 Award Ceremony Victory Winner cheering happiness ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07594856 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER / Red Bull Racing) - Sieger des GP von Australien 2011 / Formel 1: GP von Australien, Melbourne.; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne vdig xmk 2011 hoch Aufmacher premiumd o0 Siegerehrung Sieg, Sieger Jubel, Freude Image number 07594856 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Winner the GP from Australia 2011 Formula 1 GP from Australia Melbourne motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Vdig xmk 2011 vertical Highlight premiumd o0 Award Ceremony Victory Winner cheering happiness ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07594557 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/Kräling Sebastian Vettel (GER / Red Bull Racing) - Sieger des GP von Australien 2011 / Formel 1 Grand Prix Australien 2011; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne Sieg Siegerehrung Aufmacher premiumd vdig xmk 2011 hoch o0 Jubel, Freude Sieg, Sieger Pokal, Trophäe Objekte Image number 07594557 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Kräling Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Winner the GP from Australia 2011 Formula 1 Grand Prix Australia 2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Victory Award Ceremony Highlight premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 vertical o0 cheering happiness Victory Winner Cup Trophy Objects ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07594557 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/Kräling Sebastian Vettel (GER / Red Bull Racing) - Sieger des GP von Australien 2011 / Formel 1 Grand Prix Australien 2011; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne Sieg Siegerehrung Aufmacher premiumd vdig xmk 2011 hoch o0 Jubel, Freude Sieg, Sieger Pokal, Trophäe Objekte Image number 07594557 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Kräling Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing Winner the GP from Australia 2011 Formula 1 Grand Prix Australia 2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Victory Award Ceremony Highlight premiumd Vdig xmk 2011 vertical o0 cheering happiness Victory Winner Cup Trophy Objects ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07593771 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/ZUMA Press Mar. 27, 2011 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) - drivers parade at the 2011 Formula One Australian Grand Prix at the Albert Park Circuit, Melbourne, Australia. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY - ZUMAx35; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne vdig xmk 2011 quer premiumd Image number 07593771 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Zuma Press Mar 27 2011 Melbourne Victoria Australia Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Drivers Parade AT The 2011 Formula One Australian Grand Prix AT The Albert Park Circuit Melbourne Australia PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal premiumd ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048
Bildnummer: 07593771 Datum: 27.03.2011 Copyright: imago/ZUMA Press Mar. 27, 2011 - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) - drivers parade at the 2011 Formula One Australian Grand Prix at the Albert Park Circuit, Melbourne, Australia. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY - ZUMAx35; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Australien Melbourne vdig xmk 2011 quer premiumd Image number 07593771 date 27 03 2011 Copyright imago Zuma Press Mar 27 2011 Melbourne Victoria Australia Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Drivers Parade AT The 2011 Formula One Australian Grand Prix AT The Albert Park Circuit Melbourne Australia PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Australia Melbourne Vdig xmk 2011 horizontal premiumd ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichstr. 45-47 45128 Essen Tel.: (0201) 804-1075 E-Mail: Mobil: 0173/2342048 © imago sportfotodienst
Bildnummer: 07665076 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER),Red Bull Racing ,winner,Sieger,fährt über die Ziellinie,Zielflagge,abwinken, Rennen,Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur,Saison2011, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07665076 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing WINNER Winner runs above The Finish line Chequered flag abwinken Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichs
Bildnummer: 07665076 Datum: 10.04.2011 Copyright: imago/Sven Simon Sebastian VETTEL (GER),Red Bull Racing ,winner,Sieger,fährt über die Ziellinie,Zielflagge,abwinken, Rennen,Formel 1:GP von Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur,Saison2011, ; Motorsport Herren Formel 1 F1 F WM GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang vdig xmk xo0x 2011 quer Aufmacher premiumd Sports Motorsport Motor Formel 1 Formula One WM Weltmeisterschaft World Championship aktuellSport Image number 07665076 date 10 04 2011 Copyright imago Sven Simon Sebastian Vettel ger Red Bull Racing WINNER Winner runs above The Finish line Chequered flag abwinken Race Formula 1 GP from Malaysia Sepang Circuit Kuala Lumpur Saison2011 motor aviation men Formula 1 F1 F World Cup GP Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Sepang Vdig xmk xo0x 2011 horizontal Highlight premiumd Sports motor aviation Engine Formula 1 Formula One World Cup World Cup World Championship ### Imported per Email (2011-05-09 13:47) ### From: Subject: vettelbilder Content: (See attached file: imago07593771m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594557m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07594856m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07595060m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07596114m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664772m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07664777m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665037m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07665073m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665076m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07665096m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07667000m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668361m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668943m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07668958m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07675521m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07691894m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07692083m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693381m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07693680m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07694646m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07696292m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704119m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07704964m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07704967m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07706712m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07707344m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802373m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802747m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07802748m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804257m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07804419m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07806702m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07811779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815387m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815401m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815404m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815405m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815406m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815407m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815618m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815620m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815621m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07815622m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815742m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815760m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815767m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815768m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815776m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07815779m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07816598m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817054m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07817058m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818657m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07818662m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819331m.jpg)(See attached file: imago07819452m.jpg) (See attached file: imago07819523m.jpg) Mit freundlichen Grüßen Daniel Duhr ____________________ Volontär Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlagsgesellschaft E. Brost & J. Funke GmbH und Co. KG Friedrichstr. 34-38, 45128 Essen Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRA 4502 persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitungsverlag GmbH Sitz Essen, Registergericht Essen HRB 1945 Geschäftsführer: Bodo Hombach, Christian Nienhaus zurzeit: DerWesten Sportredaktion Friedrichs © imago sportfotodienst