Sao Paulo. Zum ersten Mal seit 56 Jahren droht England wieder nach einer WM-Vorrunde auszuscheiden. Noch kann der Weltmeister von 1966 auf italienische Hilfe hoffen. Doch glauben tut daran nach dem bitteren 1:2 gegen Uruguay niemand mehr. Wayne Rooney und Steven Gerrard sind die tragischen Figuren.

Den guten alten englischen Witz, wonach manche Teams von einer Weltmeisterschaft schneller wieder nach Hause kommen als ihre Postkarten, kennt Steven Gerrard schon seit seiner Kindheit. Nach dem 1:2 (0:1) gegen Uruguay konnte er aber zum ersten Mal nicht darüber lachen.

Auch interessant

Mit leerem Blick und Händen in den Hosentaschen sprach Englands Kapitän stattdessen darüber, dass nun seine Mannschaft kurz davor stand, zum ersten Mal seit 1958 wieder in einer WM-Vorrunde zu scheitern. "Das ist so frustrierend", sagte der 34-Jährige. "Wir sind in diesem Turnier an einem Punkt angekommen, an dem wir nie stehen wollten." Durch den Sieg Costa Ricas gegen Italien ist nun auch die lediglich theoretische Chance der "Three Lions" auf das Achtelfinale hinfällig.

Unglückliche Rolle von Gerrad bei Suarez-Siegtreffer

Die beiden Symbolfiguren für diesen bitteren K.o. hießen Gerrard und Wayne Rooney. Der Stürmerstar von Manchester United schoss nach all der Kritik in den vorangegangenen Tagen endlich das erste WM-Tor seiner Karriere (75.). Doch sein Pech war, dass Uruguays Torjäger Luis Suarez vom großen Rivalen FC Liverpool wie schon so oft in der abgelaufenen Premier-League-Saison noch ein wenig erfolgreicher war: Suarez traf gleich zweimal - in der 39. und 85. Minute. Und Rooney war danach so enttäuscht, dass er kommentarlos von der Kabine in den Mannschaftsbus schlich. "No, sorry", sagte er den Journalisten nur.

Gerrard hatte zum entscheidenden zweiten Tor von Suarez die unfreiwillige Vorarbeit geleistet. Er lenkte den Ball mit dem Hinterkopf unglücklich weiter. Dafür konnte der Routinier zwar nichts, aber auch in seinem Fall weckte dieser Abend traurige Erinnerungen an die vergangene Club-Saison. Es war ein Fehler von Gerrard, der dem FC Liverpool im Spiel gegen Chelsea die entscheidende Niederlage im Meisterschaftsrennen einbrachte. "Auf diesem Level darfst du einem Weltklasse-Spieler wie Suarez nicht eine einzige Chance ermöglichen", sagte er geknickt.

Gerrard und Rooney haben nun zwei verschiedene Generationen englischer Fußballer zu einer WM geführt. Sie liefen dem Titel schon im Verbund mit John Terry, Paul Scholes oder Rio Ferdinand vergeblich hinterher und drohen nun auch an der Seite der neuen Jungstars wie Raheem Sterling und Daniel Sturridge zu scheitern. Diese Altersklasse weckt in England weder große Hoffnungen, aber Hodgson sagte nur: "Niemand kann die Einstellung der Spieler ernsthaft infrage stellen, aber wir waren nicht gut genug, um diese beiden Spiele zu gewinnen. Im Fußball zählt nicht, wie häufig du den Ball in den Strafraum bringst, sondern ins Netz."

Suarez, der England-Schreck

epa04267180 An Uruguayan fan poses with a life-size cardbord cutout of Luis Suarez as he arrives for the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267180 An Uruguayan fan poses with a life-size cardbord cutout of Luis Suarez as he arrives for the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267236 Uruguayan fans carry a poster of Luis Suarez, reading 'In Luis We Trust' as they arrive for the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267236 Uruguayan fans carry a poster of Luis Suarez, reading 'In Luis We Trust' as they arrive for the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267551 Luis Suarez of Uruguay warms up prior to the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267551 Luis Suarez of Uruguay warms up prior to the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267606 Luis Suarez of Uruguay (back) and Steven Gerrard of England in action during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267606 Luis Suarez of Uruguay (back) and Steven Gerrard of England in action during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267684 Luis Suarez (L) of Uruguay in action with Gary Cahill of England during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267684 Luis Suarez (L) of Uruguay in action with Gary Cahill of England during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267669 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) scores the 1-0 lead against England's goalkeeper Joe Hart (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267669 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) scores the 1-0 lead against England's goalkeeper Joe Hart (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267676 Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay scores the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267676 Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay scores the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267675 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (R) scores the 1-0 lead against England's goalkeeper Joe Hart (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267675 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (R) scores the 1-0 lead against England's goalkeeper Joe Hart (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267709 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (R) scores the 1-0 lead against England's goalkeeper Joe Hart (C) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267709 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (R) scores the 1-0 lead against England's goalkeeper Joe Hart (C) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267698 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates w after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267698 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates w after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267711 Uruguay's Luis Suarez celebrates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267711 Uruguay's Luis Suarez celebrates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267681 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates with his teammates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267681 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates with his teammates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267685 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (L) celebrates with his teammates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267685 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (L) celebrates with his teammates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267693 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates with his teammate Alvaro Gonzalez (R) after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267693 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates with his teammate Alvaro Gonzalez (R) after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/TOLGA BOZOGLU EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267725 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates with teammates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267725 Uruguay's Luis Suarez (C) celebrates with teammates after scoring the 1-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267715 Uruguay's Luis Suarez celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267715 Uruguay's Luis Suarez celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267900 Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267900 Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267890 Luiz Suarez is carried off the pitch of Uruguay during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267890 Luiz Suarez is carried off the pitch of Uruguay during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/Sebastiao Moreira EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267860 Luis Suarez (L) of Uruguay scores the 2-1 goal in front of Gary Cahill of England during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267860 Luis Suarez (L) of Uruguay scores the 2-1 goal in front of Gary Cahill of England during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267840 Luis Suarez of Uruguay reacts during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267840 Luis Suarez of Uruguay reacts during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267825 Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay vies with Leighton Baines of England during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267825 Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay vies with Leighton Baines of England during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PAOLO AGUILAR EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267792 Gary Cahill (R) of England in action with Luis Suarez (L) of Uruguay during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267792 Gary Cahill (R) of England in action with Luis Suarez (L) of Uruguay during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Raheem Sterling of England and Luis Suarez of Uruguay compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Raheem Sterling of England and Luis Suarez of Uruguay compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay and Gary Cahill of England compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay and Gary Cahill of England compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04267779 Gary Cahill (L) of England in action with Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267779 Gary Cahill (L) of England in action with Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay shoots and scores his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay shoots and scores his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay scores his team's second goal against Gary Cahill of England during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay scores his team's second goal against Gary Cahill of England during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04267922 Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates with team mates their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267922 Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates with team mates their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04267923 Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates with team mates their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267923 Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates with team mates their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04267903 Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay celebrates with goalkeeper Fernando Muslera their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04267903 Luis Suarez (R) of Uruguay celebrates with goalkeeper Fernando Muslera their win following the FIFA World Cup 2014 group D preliminary round match between Uruguay and England at the Arena Corinthians in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 19 June 2014. Uruguay won the match 2-1. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/DIEGO AZUBEL EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay throws a shirt into the crowd after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay throws a shirt into the crowd after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay throws a shirt into the crowd after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay throws a shirt into the crowd after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay acknowledges the fans after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay acknowledges the fans after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Matthias Hangst/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Steven Gerrard of England speaks to Luis Suarez of Uruguay after Uruguay's 2-1 win during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Steven Gerrard of England speaks to Luis Suarez of Uruguay after Uruguay's 2-1 win during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Rose/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay acknowledges the fans after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay acknowledges the fans after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19:  Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay celebrates after defeating England 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images) © Getty Images
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay speaks to Steven Gerrard of England after England's loss to Uruguay 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.  (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)
SAO PAULO, BRAZIL - JUNE 19: Luis Suarez of Uruguay speaks to Steven Gerrard of England after England's loss to Uruguay 2-1 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group D match between Uruguay and England at Arena de Sao Paulo on June 19, 2014 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images) © Getty Images

Trainerstuhl von Hodgson wackelt

Nach seinem Scheitern beim FC Liverpool mehren sich die Stimmen, dass der 66-Jährige womöglich auch für den Job des Nationaltrainers zu altbacken und innovationslos sein könnte. Doch es ist das große Problem der global ausgerichteten Premier League, dass sie noch weniger englische Spitzentrainer hervorbringt als englische Spitzentrainer. Also analysierte die BBC nach dem Spiel gegen Uruguay: "Ein Mangel an Alternativen könnte ihn (Hodgson) retten." (dpa)