São Paulo. Der legendäre Trainer Ottmar Hitzfeld muss damit rechnen, dass seine Karriere am Dienstag zu Ende geht. Mit der Schweiz trifft Hitzfeld im WM-Achtelfinalspiel auf Argentinien. “Wir haben Träume - ob die in Erfüllung gehen, entscheiden wir selbst“, sagte Hitzfeld.

Beschweren kann sich Ottmar Hitzfeld wirklich nicht. Seine Reiseroute durchs WM-Land ist bisher sehr abwechselungsreich und spannend ausgefallen, so kurz vor der Rente. Die Abschiedstournee hat den 65-Jährigen zunächst in die futuristische Hauptstadt Brasília geführt, dann in die erste Kapitale des riesigen Landes, ins afrikanisch geprägte Salvador da Bahia. Weiter ging es in den Amazonas-Regenwald, ins sagenumwobene Manaus, wo Hitzfeld entgegen seiner Befürchtungen sogar noch lernen konnte, dass Fußball auch dort durchaus Freude bereiten kann. Zum Beispiel, wenn sich die von ihm trainierte Schweizer „Nati“ durch ein 3:0 gegen Honduras fürs Achtelfinale qualifiziert. „Ich bin glücklich, dass der Stress weitergeht“, hat Hitzfeld danach gesagt.

Vor 54 Jahren begann Hitzfeld als Elfjähriger beim SuS Stetten

An diesem Dienstag gegen Argentinien (22 Uhr, live in unserem Ticker) steuert Hitzfelds Abenteuerreise in die Rente auf ihren vorläufigen Höhepunkt zu, in der größten Metropole der südlichen Hemisphäre, im Großstadtdschungel von São Paulo mit seinen 20 Millionen Einwohnern. Denn das Spiel gegen Lionel Messi und Kollegen ist für ihn ein echtes Finale. Für seine Kicker gibt es in jedem Fall ein Danach, ein neues Spiel oder gar Turnier. Für den Trainer aber verdichtet sich die ganze Karriere nun auf diese eine Begegnung. Sie könnte den Abschluss bilden für ein Leben im Fußballsport, 54 Jahre nachdem er in seiner Geburtsstadt Lörrach beim SuS Stetten als Elfjähriger angefangen hatte zu bolzen und nicht mehr losließ, als Profi, Trainer und Funktionär.

Warum Hitzfeld den Vornamen Ottmar erhielt

Ottmar Hitzfeld wurde der Fußball quasi mit auf den Lebensweg gegeben: Seinen Vornamen hat er wegen Ottmar Walter erhalten, der 1954 mit Deutschland Fußball-Weltmeister wurde. Mit der Schweiz kann er Großes schaffen: Die Schweiz stand zuletzt 1954 im WM-Viertelfinale.

Hitzfeld mag das Pathos nicht, das seinen bevorstehenden Abschied von der Fußballbühne nun begleitet. Er hat sich ganz auf das Spiel gegen Argentinien konzentriert, als wäre es nicht das wahrscheinlich letzte, sondern nur das nächste. Er hat Sätze gesagt, wie man sie ganz ähnlich schon oft von ihm gehört hat: „Der Iran hat mit seinen Kontermöglichkeiten gezeigt, dass Argentinien durchaus verwundbar ist.“ Oder dass man „ein enges Netz aufziehen“ wolle, „einen Manndecker auf Messi anzusetzen, macht keinen Sinn“. Die Automatismen greifen beim ihm, so würde er das wohl selbst ausdrücken. Er weicht nicht von seiner Lebenslinie ab, bis zum Schluss.

Laudatio von Verbandschef Peter Gilliéron

Der Beiname „General“ ist ihm angeheftet worden, und vielleicht trifft dieser seinen Charakter wirklich. Vor allem Selbstdiziplin ist sein Markenzeichen. Auch jetzt will er seine Aufgabe absolut korrekt erfüllen, er kann gar nicht anders. Der Schweizer Verbandschef Peter Gilliéron hat das schon in seine erste Laudatio eingeflochten. „Vor Spielen ist er immer angespannt. Aber zur Zeit erreicht seine Fokussierung schon fast eine neue Dimension“, sagte Gilliéron, „dieser Zustand der totalen Konzentration ist imposant. Ich sehe ihm an, wie er sich permanent mit dem kommenden Spiel beschäftigt.“

Auch interessant

Seine Pflicht bestmöglich erfüllen zu wollen, dieser Wesenzug ließ sich schon auf anderen Stationen beobachten, vor allem beim FC Bayern München. 2004 wurde die Zusammenarbeit dort nach sechs Jahren zwölf Monate vor dem Ablauf des Vertrages beendet. Viel später hat Hitzfeld einmal erzählt, er habe damals vor einem Burnout gestanden und nicht einmal die Kraft gehabt, von sich aus aufzuhören.

Doch diesmal hat er sich frühzeitig festgelegt. Das Turnier in Brasilien soll den endgültigen Abschluss seiner Trainerkarriere bilden. Und natürlich werden nun noch einmal all seine herausragenden Erfolge aufgezählt, die sieben deutschen Meisterschaften, drei Pokalgewinne und vor allem die beiden Champions-League-Titel mit Borussia Dortmund 1997 und dem FC Bayern 2001. Hängengeblieben aus seiner zweiten Amtszeit in München ist auch die Verletzung, die ihm Karl-Heinz Rummenigge zufügte. „Fußball ist keine Mathematik“, sagte der Vorstandschef 2007 spitz. Den ehemaligen Mathematiklehrer Hitzfeld traf das tief. Im Sommer darauf beendete er seine Karriere als Vereinstrainer. Trotzdem beim FC Bayern. Und mit dem Double. Ganz korrekt. Am Schluss weinte er.

Hitzfeld hat eine lange Abenteuerreise durch die Welt des Fußballs hinter sich

Wenn eine Überraschung nun ausbleibt, fliegt Hitzfeld am Mittwoch in den Ruhestand. Läuft es aber gut in seinem Finale gegen Argentinien, folgt ein kleiner Aufschub und mindestens ein weiteres Finale. Hitzfeld sagte dazu: „Wir haben Träume, und ob diese in Erfüllung gehen, entscheiden wir selbst.“ Und: „Man kann Geschichte schreiben.“ 1954 stand die Schweiz letztmals im Viertelfinale. Vor 54 Jahren fing Hitzfeld an zu kicken. Seinen Vornamen erhielt er wegen Ottmar Walter, der 1954 Weltmeister wurde. Ottmar Hitzfeld hat eine lange Abenteuerreise durch die Welt des Fußballs hinter sich.

Die Schweiz steht im Achtelfinale

epa04281905 Argentine referee Nestor Pitana (L) tells Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (C) where to put the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281905 Argentine referee Nestor Pitana (L) tells Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (C) where to put the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281897 Switzerland's Granit Xhaka (L) and Honduras's Victor Bernardez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281897 Switzerland's Granit Xhaka (L) and Honduras's Victor Bernardez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281898 Switzerland's Granit Xhaka (L) and Honduras's Victor Bernardez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281898 Switzerland's Granit Xhaka (L) and Honduras's Victor Bernardez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281883 Switzerland's Stephan Lichtsteiner reacts during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281883 Switzerland's Stephan Lichtsteiner reacts during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281873 Switzerland's Johan Djourou (L) and Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281873 Switzerland's Johan Djourou (L) and Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281868 Switzerland's goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (L) and Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281868 Switzerland's goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (L) and Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281869 Honduras' head coach Luis Fernando Suarez (C) gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281869 Honduras' head coach Luis Fernando Suarez (C) gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281867 Honduras's Jerry Palacios claims a penalty the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281867 Honduras's Jerry Palacios claims a penalty the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281862 Wilson Palacios (L) of Honduras in action against Swiss goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281862 Wilson Palacios (L) of Honduras in action against Swiss goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281853 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland in action against goalkeeper Noel Valladares (L) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281853 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland in action against goalkeeper Noel Valladares (L) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Brayan Beckeles of Honduras challenges Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Brayan Beckeles of Honduras challenges Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras gestures during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras gestures during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras gestures during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras gestures during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281850 Swiss soccer fans follow the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Honduras and Switzerland at the public viewing WM-Lounge Europaallee in Zurich, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/WALTER BIERI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281850 Swiss soccer fans follow the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Honduras and Switzerland at the public viewing WM-Lounge Europaallee in Zurich, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/WALTER BIERI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281848 Swiss soccer fans follow the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Honduras and Switzerland at the public viewing WM-Lounge Europaallee in Zurich, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/WALTER BIERI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281848 Swiss soccer fans follow the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Honduras and Switzerland at the public viewing WM-Lounge Europaallee in Zurich, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/WALTER BIERI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281849 Switzerland's Valon Behrami (L) and Honduras's Boniek Garcia (R) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281849 Switzerland's Valon Behrami (L) and Honduras's Boniek Garcia (R) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Brayan Beckeles of Honduras and Josip Drmic of Switzerland compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Brayan Beckeles of Honduras and Josip Drmic of Switzerland compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Switzerland s supporter poses before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Switzerland s supporter poses Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Switzerland s supporter poses before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Switzerland s supporter poses Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Switzerland s supporter (C) poses with a Switzerland s national flag before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Switzerland s supporter C poses with A Switzerland s National Flag Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Switzerland s supporter (C) poses with a Switzerland s national flag before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Switzerland s supporter C poses with A Switzerland s National Flag Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Honduras players pose for a group photo before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Honduras Players Pose for A Group Photo Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Honduras players pose for a group photo before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Honduras Players Pose for A Group Photo Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Goalkeepr Diego Benaglio of Switzerland controls the ball as Jerry Bengtson of Honduras gives chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Goalkeepr Diego Benaglio of Switzerland controls the ball as Jerry Bengtson of Honduras gives chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Switzerland s supporter waves a Switzerland s national flag before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Switzerland s supporter Waves A Switzerland s National Flag Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Switzerland s supporter waves a Switzerland s national flag before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Switzerland s supporter Waves A Switzerland s National Flag Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Honduras supporter is seen before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Honduras supporter is Lakes Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Honduras supporter is seen before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Honduras supporter is Lakes Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (L) celebrates for scoring a goal during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri l Celebrates for Scoring A Goal during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (L) celebrates for scoring a goal during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri l Celebrates for Scoring A Goal during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (front) celebrates for scoring a goal during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri Front Celebrates for Scoring A Goal during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (front) celebrates for scoring a goal during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri Front Celebrates for Scoring A Goal during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (R, front) runs with the ball during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri r Front Runs with The Ball during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (R, front) runs with the ball during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri r Front Runs with The Ball during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (L, front) celebrates for scoring a goal during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri l Front Celebrates for Scoring A Goal during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri (L, front) celebrates for scoring a goal during a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua Switzerland s Xherdan Shaqiri l Front Celebrates for Scoring A Goal during A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Goalkeeper Diego Benaglio of Switzerland receives treatment during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Goalkeeper Diego Benaglio of Switzerland receives treatment during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281748 Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (L) and Switzerland's Josip Drmic (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281748 Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (L) and Switzerland's Josip Drmic (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281752 Swiss players Stephan Lichtsteiner (C) and Fabian Schaer (R) look after goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281752 Swiss players Stephan Lichtsteiner (C) and Fabian Schaer (R) look after goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281747 Goalkeeper Noel Valladares (L) of Honduras in action against Josip Drmic (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281747 Goalkeeper Noel Valladares (L) of Honduras in action against Josip Drmic (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld of Switzerland looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld of Switzerland looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281739 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281739 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281738 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281738 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281735 Juan Carlos Garcia (C) of Honduras in action against Swiss players Granit Xhaka (L) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281735 Juan Carlos Garcia (C) of Honduras in action against Swiss players Granit Xhaka (L) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281733 Swiss soccer fans react during the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Switzerland and Honduras at the public viewing zone in Lausanne, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281733 Swiss soccer fans react during the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Switzerland and Honduras at the public viewing zone in Lausanne, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281731 Swiss soccer fans react during the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Switzerland and Honduras at the public viewing zone in Lausanne, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281731 Swiss soccer fans react during the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Switzerland and Honduras at the public viewing zone in Lausanne, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281730 Swiss soccer fans cheer during the live broadcast of the FIFA 2010 World Cup match between Honduras national team and Switzerland national team the in front of the ice stadium Les Vernets in Geneva, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/MARTIAL TREZZINI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281730 Swiss soccer fans cheer during the live broadcast of the FIFA 2010 World Cup match between Honduras national team and Switzerland national team the in front of the ice stadium Les Vernets in Geneva, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/MARTIAL TREZZINI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281726 Honduras's Colombian head coach Luis Suarez (R) talks to his player Boniek Garcia (2-R) as the teams have a drinking break during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281726 Honduras's Colombian head coach Luis Suarez (R) talks to his player Boniek Garcia (2-R) as the teams have a drinking break during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281718 Swiss players look after goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (bottom) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281718 Swiss players look after goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (bottom) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281722 Swiss goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (bottom) receives medical assistance during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281722 Swiss goalkeeper Diego Benaglio (bottom) receives medical assistance during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281715 Switzerland's Granit Xhaka (L) fires a shot on goal past Switzerland's Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281715 Switzerland's Granit Xhaka (L) fires a shot on goal past Switzerland's Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Head coach Luis Fernando Suarez of Honduras looks on during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland  during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281699 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Ricardo Rodriguez (R) after scoring a goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281699 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Ricardo Rodriguez (R) after scoring a goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland  during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland  during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Switzerland players line up on the field prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Switzerland players line up on the field prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Roger Espinoza of Honduras and Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Roger Espinoza of Honduras and Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281693 Honduras's Juan Carlos Garcia (R) tackles Switzerland's Gokhan Inler (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281693 Honduras's Juan Carlos Garcia (R) tackles Switzerland's Gokhan Inler (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281691 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281691 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281690 Honduras's Colombian head coach Luis Suarez yells during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281690 Honduras's Colombian head coach Luis Suarez yells during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281689 Honduras's Jorge Claros (L) and Switzerland's Ricardo Rodriguez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281689 Honduras's Jorge Claros (L) and Switzerland's Ricardo Rodriguez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Roger Espinoza of Honduras controls the ball as Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland gives chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Roger Espinoza of Honduras controls the ball as Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland gives chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281688 Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (L) and Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (C) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281688 Honduras's Maynor Figueroa (L) and Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (C) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Roger Espinoza of Honduras controls the ball as Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland gives chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Roger Espinoza of Honduras controls the ball as Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland gives chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281671 Stephan Lichtsteiner (L) of Switzerland drinks next to Roger Espinoza (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281671 Stephan Lichtsteiner (L) of Switzerland drinks next to Roger Espinoza (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281662 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Josip Drmic (L) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PETER KLAUNZER EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281662 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Josip Drmic (L) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PETER KLAUNZER EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Josip Drmic of Switzerland challenges Maynor Figueroa of Honduras during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Josip Drmic of Switzerland challenges Maynor Figueroa of Honduras during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281657 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri celebrates his 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281657 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri celebrates his 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland  during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Wilson Palacios of Honduras tackles Gokhan Inler of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281659 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri scores the 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PETER KLAUNZER EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281659 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri scores the 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/PETER KLAUNZER EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281658 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri celebrates his 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281658 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri celebrates his 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281838 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) and Switzerland's Johan Djourou (C) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (L) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281838 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) and Switzerland's Johan Djourou (C) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (L) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Ricardo Rodriguez of Switzerland clears the ball off the goal line during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Ricardo Rodriguez of Switzerland clears the ball off the goal line during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281826 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) and Switzerland's Johan Djourou (C) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (L) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281826 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (R) and Switzerland's Johan Djourou (C) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (L) vie for the ball the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281824 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (L) fouls Switzerland's Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281824 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (L) fouls Switzerland's Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281823 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (L) fouls Switzerland's Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281823 Honduras's Jerry Palacios (L) fouls Switzerland's Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Brayan Beckeles of Honduras challenges Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Brayan Beckeles of Honduras challenges Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281817 Gokhan Inler of Switzerland in action during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281817 Gokhan Inler of Switzerland in action during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281814 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Josip Drmic (L) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281814 Xherdan Shaqiri (R) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Josip Drmic (L) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland and Marvin Chavez of Honduras compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland and Marvin Chavez of Honduras compete for the ball during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281809 Admir Mehmedi (L) of Switzerland in action against Brayan Beckeles (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281809 Admir Mehmedi (L) of Switzerland in action against Brayan Beckeles (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281799 Honduras' head coach Luis Fernando Suarez watches the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281799 Honduras' head coach Luis Fernando Suarez watches the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281798 Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland in action during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281798 Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland in action during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281796 Wilson Palacios (L) of Honduras in action against Gokhan Inler (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281796 Wilson Palacios (L) of Honduras in action against Gokhan Inler (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281794 Swiss soccer fans with Swiss and Kosovan flags react during the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Switzerland and Honduras at the public viewing zone in Lausanne, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281794 Swiss soccer fans with Swiss and Kosovan flags react during the live broadcast of the Brazil Soccer FIFA World Cup match between Switzerland and Honduras at the public viewing zone in Lausanne, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT EPA/JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Fans pose during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Fans pose during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Honduras and Switzerland players huddle before the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Honduras and Switzerland players huddle before the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281788 Jorge Claros (C) of Honduras sits on the ground as Swiss players argue with referee Nestor Pitana (R) of Argentina during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281788 Jorge Claros (C) of Honduras sits on the ground as Swiss players argue with referee Nestor Pitana (R) of Argentina during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Switzerland players pose for a team photo prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Switzerland players pose for a team photo prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281778 A Swiss fan cheers for his team during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281778 A Swiss fan cheers for his team during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt mit Goekhan Inler (SUI,oben) ueber den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering with Goekhan Inler SUI above  the Results to 0 1
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt mit Goekhan Inler (SUI,oben) ueber den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering with Goekhan Inler SUI above the Results to 0 1 © imago/EQ Images
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt nach dessen Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering After it Results to 0 1
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt nach dessen Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering After it Results to 0 1 © imago/EQ Images
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt mit Goekhan Inler (SUI,oben) ueber den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering with Goekhan Inler SUI above  the Results to 0 1
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt mit Goekhan Inler (SUI,oben) ueber den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering with Goekhan Inler SUI above the Results to 0 1 © imago/EQ Images
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI,23) jubelt mit Goekhan Inler (SUI,L), Stephan Lichtsteiner (SUI,M) und Admir Mehmedi (SUI,R) ueber den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI 23 cheering with Goekhan Inler SUI l Stephan Lichtsteiner SUI m and Admir Mehmedi SUI r  the Results to 0 1
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI,23) jubelt mit Goekhan Inler (SUI,L), Stephan Lichtsteiner (SUI,M) und Admir Mehmedi (SUI,R) ueber den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI 23 cheering with Goekhan Inler SUI l Stephan Lichtsteiner SUI m and Admir Mehmedi SUI r the Results to 0 1 © imago/EQ Images
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt nach dessen Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering After it Results to 0 1
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) jubelt nach dessen Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI cheering After it Results to 0 1 © imago/EQ Images
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) erzielt den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI reached the Results to 0 1
Manaus, 25.06.2014, Fussball WM 2014, Honduras - Schweiz, Xherdan Shaqiri (SUI) erzielt den Treffer zum 0:1. PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxSUIxAUTxLIExITAxFRAxNEDManaus 25 06 2014 Football World Cup 2014 Honduras Switzerland Xherdan Shaqiri SUI reached the Results to 0 1 © imago/EQ Images
epa04281777 Josip Drmic (R) of Switzerland in action against Honduran players Maynor Figueroa (L) and Jorge Claros (C) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281777 Josip Drmic (R) of Switzerland in action against Honduran players Maynor Figueroa (L) and Jorge Claros (C) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Switzerland players pose for a team photo prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Switzerland players pose for a team photo prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281771 Carlo Costly (L) of Honduras in action against Johan Djourou (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281771 Carlo Costly (L) of Honduras in action against Johan Djourou (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Gokhan Inler, Diego Benaglio and Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland look on prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Gokhan Inler, Diego Benaglio and Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland look on prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281758 A Swiss fan cheers for his team during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281758 A Swiss fan cheers for his team during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281763 Admir Mehmedi (L) of Switzerland in action against Brayan Beckeles (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281763 Admir Mehmedi (L) of Switzerland in action against Brayan Beckeles (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Honduras supporter is seen before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Honduras supporter is Lakes Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming  SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN
(140625) -- MANAUS, June 25, 2014 (Xinhua) -- A Honduras supporter is seen before a Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup at the Arena Amazonia Stadium in Manaus, Brazil, on June 25, 2014.(Xinhua/Li Ming)(pcy) (SP)BRAZIL-MANAUS-WORLD CUP 2014-GROUP E-HONDURAS VS SWITZERLAND PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHNManaus June 25 2014 Xinhua A Honduras supporter is Lakes Before A Group E Match between Honduras and Switzerland of 2014 FIFA World Cup AT The Arena Amazonia Stage in Manaus Brazil ON June 25 2014 Xinhua left Ming SP Brazil Manaus World Cup 2014 Group E Honduras vs Switzerland PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN © imago/Xinhua
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland (center) celebrates scoring his team's second goal  during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland (center) celebrates scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Maynor Figueroa of Honduras outjumps Jorge Claros and Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Maynor Figueroa of Honduras outjumps Jorge Claros and Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281655 Juan Carlos Garcia (C) of Honduras in action against Swiss players Granit Xhaka (L) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281655 Juan Carlos Garcia (C) of Honduras in action against Swiss players Granit Xhaka (L) and Stephan Lichtsteiner (R) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland celebrates scoring his team's first goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland celebrates scoring his team's first goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281638 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (C) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammates during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281638 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (C) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammates during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281640 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (C) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammates during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281640 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (C) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammates during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri (L) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri (L) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281635 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Gokhan Inler (C) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281635 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Gokhan Inler (C) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281632 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri scores the 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281632 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri scores the 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281633 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri scores the 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281633 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri scores the 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281636 Swiss soccer fans cheer during the live broadcast of the FIFA 2010 World Cup match between Honduras national team and Switzerland national team the in front of the ice stadium Les Vernets in Geneva, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/MARTIAL TREZZINI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281636 Swiss soccer fans cheer during the live broadcast of the FIFA 2010 World Cup match between Honduras national team and Switzerland national team the in front of the ice stadium Les Vernets in Geneva, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/MARTIAL TREZZINI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281631 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Gokhan Inler (R) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281631 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland celebrates with his teammate Gokhan Inler (R) after scoring the 2-0 lead during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281627 Juan Carlos Garcia (L) of Honduras is tackled by Granit Xhaka (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281627 Juan Carlos Garcia (L) of Honduras is tackled by Granit Xhaka (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281626 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281626 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281623 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281623 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281624 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281624 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281622 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281622 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281625 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281625 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281620 Juan Carlos Garcia (L) of Honduras is tackled by Granit Xhaka (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281620 Juan Carlos Garcia (L) of Honduras is tackled by Granit Xhaka (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates scoring his team's second goal with Josip Drmic of Switzerland during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281607 Goalkeeper Noel Valladares of Honduras receives the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281607 Goalkeeper Noel Valladares of Honduras receives the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281610 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri celebrates his 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281610 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri celebrates his 0-2 goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281609 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281609 Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri (R) celebrates his 0-2 goal with teammate Josip Drmic (L) during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland celebrates scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland celebrates scoring his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland shoots and scores his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Xherdan Shaqiri of Switzerland shoots and scores his team's second goal during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Matthew Lewis/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281602 Xherdan Shaqiri (C) of Switzerland celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281602 Xherdan Shaqiri (C) of Switzerland celebrates after scoring the opening goal during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Honduras players sing the National Anthem prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Honduras players sing the National Anthem prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281597 Referee Nestor Pitana (R) of Argentina gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281597 Referee Nestor Pitana (R) of Argentina gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281596 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281596 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld gestures during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Juan Carlos Garcia of Honduras controls the ball as Granit Xhaka and Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland give chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Juan Carlos Garcia of Honduras controls the ball as Granit Xhaka and Stephan Lichtsteiner of Switzerland give chase during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Clive Brunskill/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld of Switzerland gestures during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld of Switzerland gestures during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Phil Walter/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Admir Mehmedi of Switzerland and Wilson Palacios of Honduras collide with referee Nestor Pitana during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Admir Mehmedi of Switzerland and Wilson Palacios of Honduras collide with referee Nestor Pitana during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Stu Forster/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281590 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld (L) and Honduras's Colombian head coach Luis Suarez (R) watch the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281590 Switzerland's German head coach Ottmar Hitzfeld (L) and Honduras's Colombian head coach Luis Suarez (R) watch the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281589 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland in action against Wilson Palacios (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281589 Xherdan Shaqiri (L) of Switzerland in action against Wilson Palacios (R) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281586 Xherdan Shaqiri (C) of Switzerland in action against goalkeeper Noel Valladares (L) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281586 Xherdan Shaqiri (C) of Switzerland in action against goalkeeper Noel Valladares (L) of Honduras during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images) © Getty Images
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25:  Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil.  (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images)
MANAUS, BRAZIL - JUNE 25: Fans arrive prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Group E match between Honduras and Switzerland at Arena Amazonia on June 25, 2014 in Manaus, Brazil. (Photo by Bruno Zanardo/Getty Images) © Getty Images
epa04281587 Argentine referee Nestor Pitana gestues during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281587 Argentine referee Nestor Pitana gestues during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281584 Switzerland's Gokhan Inler (L) and Honduras's Boniek Garcia (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281584 Switzerland's Gokhan Inler (L) and Honduras's Boniek Garcia (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281583 Switzerland's Gokhan Inler (L) and Honduras's Boniek Garcia (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281583 Switzerland's Gokhan Inler (L) and Honduras's Boniek Garcia (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281582 Players of Honduras (L) and Switzerland (R) line up before the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281582 Players of Honduras (L) and Switzerland (R) line up before the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JESUS DIGES EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281581 Honduras's Boniek Garcia (L) and Switzerland's Ricardo Rodriguez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281581 Honduras's Boniek Garcia (L) and Switzerland's Ricardo Rodriguez (R) vie for the ball during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281580 Jerry Bengtson (L) of Honduras in action against Valon Behrami (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281580 Jerry Bengtson (L) of Honduras in action against Valon Behrami (R) of Switzerland during the FIFA World Cup 2014 group E preliminary round match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, 25 June 2014. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA/MAST IRHAM EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa
epa04281578 Swiss soccer fans cheer during the live broadcast of the FIFA 2010 World Cup match between Honduras national team and Switzerland national team the in front of the ice stadium Les Vernets in Geneva, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/MARTIAL TREZZINI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
epa04281578 Swiss soccer fans cheer during the live broadcast of the FIFA 2010 World Cup match between Honduras national team and Switzerland national team the in front of the ice stadium Les Vernets in Geneva, Switzerland, 25 June 2014. EPA/MARTIAL TREZZINI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++ © dpa